Playground Equipment Supplier | Premier Park & Play

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Premier Park & Play Quoted in WickedLocal, Newton on August 10, 2019

Premier Park & Play owner, Doug Knotts, speaks with WickedLocal, Newton on the history and future of playgrounds:

The biggest changes in playgrounds have been the dramatic increase in safety standards.

Nets have become a lot more popular…Balancing activities, bridges, moving-pod bridges, are newer and kids really like those as well.

Not all people have the ability to get out and use equipment, we always try to incorporate various features for a disabled child or adult to enjoy the playground. There are outdoor music instruments, fitness elements like chinbars, talking tubes, ADA swing seats, that allow a disabled child to be integrated into the park playground.

Read the full article: “Newton man looks at history and future of playgrounds,” WickedLocal, Newton, August 10, 2019.